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Insulin Resistance and Cardiovascular Disease

IntroductionDefining and Measuring Insulin Resistance (IR)Key Tissues Affected by IRConsequences of Insulin ResistanceMethods for measuring insulin resistanceMechanisms Linking IR to Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)A. Obesity and Adipose Tissue DysfunctionB. Inflammation and…

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The Silent Pandemic: Unveiling the Truth About Insulin Resistance

Introduction What is Insulin Resistance?Understanding insulin and insulin resistanceWhy is Insulin Resistance Important?Diagnosing Insulin ResistancePathogenesisChronic DiseasesAgeingManaging Insulin ResistancePharmacological TreatmentsConclusion Introduction  In the modern world, where lifestyle choices and dietary habits have…

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Intermittent Fasting Revealed: How it Works and 8 Benefits

What is intermittent fasting (IF)?The Science Behind Intermittent FastingDifferent Types of Intermittent FastingBenefits of Intermittent FastingWhat does intermittent fasting do to our microbiome?What does Akkermansia do?Coffee and the MicrobiomeIntermittent Fasting:…

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